Frequently Asked Questions

How did the Town of China get its name?

In 1818, the Town of Harlem was incorporated as the Town of China.  Its voters had chosen the name Bloomville.  Maine was then a part of Massachusetts and in those days Boston, the legislative seat, was a week’s journey by horse and wagon.  Harlem’s representative was not allowed to use the name Bloomville as there was another town in the United States by that name.  With hometown sentiment 200 miles away and no telephone or telegraph, it was entirely up to him to present a new name.  As the hymn “China” was a great favorite of his, he presented that name.

How do I find the Doris L. Young Scholarship application?

Click on Town Departments, Administration, then town clerk. Application link is provided.

Does the town office accept debit or credit cards?

Yes! For all transactions! Please understand there will be an additional fee for using a debit/credit card charged by the card company.

How far away is Boston?

About 3 hours away if you drive.  However there is also bus service from Augusta that will make the trip in about 3 hours.  There is also an Amtrak service from Portland to Boston's North Station. 

How far away is New York City?

Well, depending on the traffic you hit or the route you take, you can drive from China to NYC in 6-8 hours.  Plan on a day to drive there and a day to drive back.

What is there for public transportation?

Unfortunately, China does not have a public transportation system.

Are there any airports nearby?

The big airports would be the Portland Jetport and Bangor International Airport.  Both of these airports are very busy with air traffic.  Portland is about an hour and a half south and Bangor is about an hour north.  If you are flying a private charter plane, then you can also fly into Augusta or Waterville.


Town Office
571 Lakeview Drive
China, ME 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014
Fax: (207) 445-2014

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm
CLOSED Wednesdays
First & Last Saturday of each month 8am - 11am

Transfer Station
191 Alder Park Rd
China, Maine 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014, option 2

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7am-5pm
Saturday - 7am-3pm
CLOSED Sunday, Monday & Thursday

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