Helpful Links
Schools and Education
Please see the Regional School Unit, or RSU, 18 web site for more information or 465-7384
China's two directors on the RSU 18 Board are:
Dawn Castner (term exp. Nov 2024)
John Soifer (term exp. Nov 2027)
The China Community Forest is open to the public to visit.
The China Community Forest is supervised by Elaine Philbrook.
They put on many activities throughout the year. Please find the forest on Facebook at or by email at

- Adams Realty China area real estate
- ADT Security
- Albert Church Brown Memorial Library
- Alzheimer Support
- American Red Cross
- Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
- Central Church Route 3
- China Baptist Church Causeway Road
- China Four Seasons
- China Historical Society
- China Lake Association (CLA)
- CLA 319 Grant program
- China Region Lakes Alliance- (CRLA)
- China Lake Camp
- China Youth League
- College Financial Aid Info
- Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in Maine
- Erskine Academy
- Friends Camp 729 Lakeview Drive-summer camp for children and young adults
- History of China, Maine
- HughesNet
- KVCAP Transportation Services
- Lovejoy Health Center
- Maine sporting licenses & registrations online for hunting, fishing and other licenses plus atv, boat and snowmobile registrations
- New England Imports
- Online Dog Registration Register your dog online!!
- Professional Home Projects
- Rapid Renewal Renew your vehicle online
- RSU 18 - China Schools
- Seniors Guide to Asbestos Cancer
- Sexual Assault Crisis & Support
- South China Community Church
- South China Library
- State of Maine
- The Town Line Newspaper
- Vital Records Service
- Vital Records Forms